Enterprise Self-Managed Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions
SendToPerson.com provides the option of hosting your own server with the SendToPerson.com software installed on it in your own data center.
Self-managed solutions are ideal if you:
- Have your own data center
- Transfer large volumes of data ( 1 GB or more per hour at peak periods )
- Require complete privacy and security
Our data center is equipped with multiple high speed Internet connections and is capable of moving large volumes of data. If you have your own high speed connections that are already capable of moving the volume of data you need to move then a self-managed solution may be more economical for your company. You can have us install our software on your server using remote access software. From then on, you manage the server yourself, and we'll provide support when you need it. You pay only a licensing and support fee. Our prices are very competitive and very affordable. We can provide you with a custom quote very quickly and we can perform a remote installation typically within one business day. For information on licensing, contact us:
By phone at: (212) STP-3000 or send e-mail to sales@sendtoperson.com.